Friday, December 19, 2014


1/2cup sliced almonds, toasted. 6 cups sugar. 1 cup water. Place water and sugar in a heavy bottomed pot over medium heat. Do not stir, letting the sugar cook twenty minutes until amber color desired is acquired. Or until 230 on candy thermometer. Meanwhile place a silpat on a sheet tray or evenly butter a large sheet tray. Fold the almonds into the sugar mixture and working quickly pour onto prepared trays. Use a fork to pull the caramel towards the sides for desired consistency. Let cool, room temperature, never refrigerate. Once cooled break into bite sized pieces. Store room temperature, partially covered with c fold towels top and bottom. Again, we are using this in our pear salad. The combined flavors work very well with one another. This recipe though can be made into any flavored brittle. The main thing is making sure to get the brittle proper thickness. Which to myself is thin as possible.

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