Thursday, November 30, 2023

Summertime and Fall Dahlia's

There are many more than the 64 varieties of Dahlia's that we are going to post from the previous summer time, I had hoped to do this months ago, but it has taken a lot of time to go through everything and make sure we are not doubling up. I am going to start by posting up photos of different strains of Dahlia's, once we get all the pictures online, I will go through and lable them with the appropriate tag. Here is the first small batch...

Friday, November 10, 2023

Garden 2023, edible flowers

2 types of nasturtiums, orange and yellow flowers. Thnik most of the time this year they were used in cold salads. Then you have the zucchini/squash blossomes that we ususally use a lot, stuffing and then frying and or steaming, we just didnt do to much with them this year. They were more decorational, growing up and around our front door frame. Lastly, there is the fennel. Haley uses a lot of fennel and dill for her butterflies and caterpillars, I get left the leftovers. Generally, its best to just let them go to seed for the next year. See what happens. They also act well to attract pollenators of all shapes and sizes. You can never have enough Dill and or Fennel planted and growing around the garden.

Garden 2023, Melons

Unfortunatly, this year again was a bust on raising watermelons. Going to give up until we have a place where I can grow them poroperly and with the amount of space really needed. That said, below is what we raised this year. They were all at minimum 3 months old, and we werent even close to being where we needed to be. Having to guess what happened this year, we had too many growing in too small of a spot. Watering and fertilizer are also very important, we did some but not near enough. Last thing, people think since watermelon is so much "water", they overwater completly. Watermelons, especially in the begining dont need daily waterings. Even once summer is full blown into the 90's, overwatering is more of a conern than underwatering...

Garden 2023, Cucumbers

for some reason it took years to figure out growing cucumbers was way way easier than we had thought. This year we bought a metal scaffolding for the garden and let the cucumbers grow and flower on it. 7 feet tall x 3 feet wide. See the first photo. Great things about doing cucumbers is that all you must do is water them daily and keep them from a lot of direct sunshine. 2 varieties, Kirbies and the regular longer salad cucumbers.