Thursday, March 7, 2024

Starting to spring clean downstairs...

We have quite an accumulation of differnt pots, varying in size, color and material. The terra cota seem to be the best for plants that need exstensive drainage at all times. These are the ones we took out from storage today to let them get rained on, cleaned out making them ready for planting here in a wekk or so. The only question right now is what to do with the new bulbs for the season. Either potted or in the ground. Anyways here are some of the pots that came out of the basement...

Spring first blooms...

We still havent loaded up our collection of Dahlias from last summer, its just a matter of taking the time. Walking down the block this morning, it was a bit shocking to see the variety of bulbs that are halfway up, some are already blooming, see below... These are what have came up so far. Early Crocus, Yellow Daffodil and a strain of "Two colored daffodil".