Monday, August 20, 2012

chickin wing idea

I've posted lots of "wings" exspecially the asian ones with hoison and chili. Last week when I did them, after a light smoke I had them confit'd in duck fat till very soft. Let them cool down so they are managable and then to the plancha under a brick. Awesome, blows the baked ones away. Never again!!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Images of restaurant

Myself, the small kitchen and the bottles of Jameson each table brings as "tradition". Needless to say after 20 or 30 bottles a night, a dish needs to be composed to use "some" because it can't be all drank every night...

Thai "Soup"

soup in a petri dish. This is chef's version of a Thai soup made with kappa and iota carrageenan to create a smooth gel texture. The tiny mushrooms were half pickeled half poached. Also pickled basil seeds that resemble caviar.

Salmon Roe

Salmon Roe with Lavander and "Fritters". A salmon "broth" base topped with Roe and Lavender Foam we made out of Lavander Oil. Several fritters on the side for a bit of texture.
this is the base dish for the salmon entree. wasnt able to get a photo of finished plate but this is it without the fish. the salmon is cooked sous vide at 114 and dropped into bath as soon as order comes in. the plate has a candied crapefruit, some black toasted seaweed and a grapefruit jus. when the salmon comes out of the sous vide it is flaked and placed in three spots on the plate. then on top of the fish is a grapefruit supreme salad made of supreme's. chives, olive oil and a touch of sugar water.
Foie gras dish, Apricot and Brioche

More Tagliatelle Prep

More images of Tagliatelle dish. You can see the apples and broth of them, celery leaves, fresh black truffle off microplane.

Celery Root Tagliatelle

. Celery Root "Tagliatelle" served with Apples and Truffle