Thursday, April 2, 2015

Sea urchins

These are the east coast sea urchins we received. Once we clean them and remove the roe we have the spines cut down and then run through the dish. Once they are cleaned we use them as vessel's for the urchin royale. We use some of the roe for the yuzu royale base and the others for sea urchin butter. The butter we use for the urchin Cavalli garnished with caviar and sea beans. The east coast variety are significantly smaller then the west coast uni but as weather is so bad out west they can not get into the water to harvest them. Which is essentialy done the same way as scallops. But with even more care. These are east coast urchins same as the other urchins we got in a few posts ago. Difference in water temperature, depth and diet effects the color and size/shape. Just as the white salmon comes from fish who have not been eating crill or shrimp the urchins are the same way. The dark black ones are from further up the east coast past Massachusetts into Maine. These green ones are a little more delicate and they come from further down the east coast into Virginia.

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