Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pea Soup

My pea soup:
2 onions
2 shallots
1/8cup EVO
3TB Butter
4 zuchinni squash
2 qts sweet pea, peeled
1/3 bottle california or american chardonay
2 quarts chicken stock, light
2 quarts water or vegetable stock, light

sweat onion and shallot in butter and olive oil. Season with lots of sugar and salt. Once clear, add wine and reduce to sec. Then add 2 qts chicken stock and 2 quarts water or vegetable stock. Bring to a boil and then add zuchinni. Cook for 2 minutes until soft at simmer and add peas. Cook one or two more minutes and then add to vita prep. Puree until smooth, push through chinois into ice bath and chill quickly as possible. Season with lots more sugar, salt, white pepper and olive oil of a good variety. Chill and check consitency and seasoning the next day.
At the Rabbit we are serving this with pancetta now, but were using shrimp confit previous. It's really great served warm, but until tomatoes come we will use this as our chilled soup.

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