Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Drip Tape

Yesterday we installed a LOT of drip tape on the farm. This is what we will use for an irrigation system at Farm Rodeo. A lot of older pipe and tape was left over from the previous seasons, which meant that a majority of that had been patched, spliced, nicked, or had just split from the large temperature variations. So, we put in new. Good call, it was a bit of work, but now we have a solid, reliable method of water transport on the farm for this summer. Think we will continue to replace tape bed by bed daily until we have an all new irrigation.
The system is pretty simple, we have access to a hydrant about 100 yards away that we were able to tap into and run a 2.5" pipe onto the farm property. From there, using a system of shut offs branching out of the main pipe, the water flow's into 1" diameter plastic tubing which runs individually to each bed where the drip tape is punched into it.

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