Sunday, January 14, 2024

Purple/House Finch

In the winter, the Northern Cardinals, Sparrows, Chickadee', and Junco's dont leave for warmer weather. These Finch's are the same. One difference between the Finch and others is that they can and do come in packs, large groups to feed. And no matter their small size, with superior numbers they hold off all other birds, even doves who are 3-4 times their size until they have had their fill at the feeder. These Finch prefer to nest in areas that are thick with conifers, deeciduous trees and or shrubs. (AKA my neighbors out back.) They love sunflower seeds, as well as seed from thistle, dandelion and other weeds. In the late summer, like the cardinals cherries and mulberries are favorites. The males, who have a red color(books say "raspberry") which results from feeding on a diverse diet. (Not just weed seeds). When given a choice, females usually select colorful males over duller rivals, as colorful birds are usually older and make better mates than young inexperienced males. These guys came by the other day right after the cardinal had left, as you can see, they travel in packs giving them the numbers advantage at the feeders.

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