Monday, June 11, 2018

Rose Water into Perfume

This the first time that I have ever been involved in this, and it's going to be kind of cool to see the whole process through. We have found a company that will turn our very fragrant rose flowers into a perfume to be marketed at the local farm markets. Or that is my understanding where "Sales" is going to be looking to move these once they have been converted. Basically the only thing we have to do on the farm is take care of the flowers as we have up till this point, once the flower's have blossomed and are almost to maximum fragrance, they are pruned and laid out on bread trays to completely dry out. That's as far as we have gotten in the chain on Rodeo farm, I will be asking Rosio, who runs "Sales" where they are going next exactly and see what information I can get on the process from here on out. I think it's great, full utilization is not just a philosophy used in the kitchen, since on the farm, as in the kitchen, it is so important to get every ounce of profit out of every last thing available. Because the profits after all the expenses as in the kitchen is so small, who can make use of the most is generally the one who is most successful financially at least...

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