Wednesday, January 22, 2014

lemon / pudding cake's

Lemon "pudding" cake (serves 8 -6oz servings). We ran this today as a test run, comes out great. Necessary to bake them in some sort of ceramic mold, metal ones will not work. Also, place a towel under the ceramic molds to help distribute more of the heat. The idea is to have a layer of a lemon "pudding"(curd) and a layer of cake that's very light. Preheat oven to 325 degree's. Soft butter for ramekins. 1 cup buttermilk. 1/4 lemon juice. 4 large eggs(seperated). 1/4 cup + 1TB A.P. Flour. 3/4 cup + 1TB sugar. Pinch of salt. 2 lemons zest. Preserves to garnish in original recipe. Butter and sugar the ramekins. Place ramekins in a hotel pan with a kitchen towel in between the them. Set aside. In a bowl, mix the flour, 3/4 cup of the sugar and salt. Rub the zest into the flour mix. Set aside. Wisk together the buttermilk, lemon juice and egg yolks. Set aside. Beat egg whites with 1TB sugar until soft peaks form. (Do not over beat or the finished curd will be grainy). Add the flour mix to the buttermilk mix. Wisk until smooth. Add the egg whites in 3 batches, being careful to not over mix. Laddle the mix into the prepared ramekins. Fill roast pan with warm water 1/2 way up the side or ramekins. Cover with foil and bake for 20 minutes and then remove the foil. Bake for another 20 minutes until cake rises and is golden brown. Remove and let cool. Best served warm, we do them room temperature, but can also be served cold.

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