Saturday, June 16, 2018

Rabbit with Carrots

We have so many carrots planted at Rodeo right now, and just did another entire block of them this previous week. So naturally I have been thinking about carrots and what to do with them in the kitchen. Even though carrots are apparently not good for rabbits, that is contrary to everything I had always been shown, but really all that matter is that carrots taste really good with rabbit. Generally we make a jus or reduction out of the rabbit bones and use that as a sauce, but I'm thinking of making a vinaigrette of carrots to go with the roasted/braised animal. Roasted Carrot Vinaigrette: 3 Roasted Carrots. 2 Shallots (thinly sliced) 1 tablespoon Dijon Mustard. 1/4 cup Red Wine Vinegar. 1/4 cup Olive Oil. Salt and Pepper to taste. I'll finish up on this idea more, just didn't want to forget about it...

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