Monday, June 11, 2018


So, we are doing bee's on the farm this year as well. Apparently this is not the first time they have attempted to do so, unfortunately over the past years they have not been able to keep a hive alive throughout the entire year. This year we were able to get approved for the funds to purchase all new equipment. 3 new hives, and 3 sets of bee's to go in them. We found the bee's from a guy who does nothing but down in Indiana, and he brought them up a week ago. He helped us get them installed in the new hives that we had just finished constructing. I was in on the last honey harvest of the last year, this year I am involved in everything from A to Z. It's going to be interesting to see how they turn out. I've been reading up on bee's every night before going to sleep, there's a lot more to them that I had really thought could be when dealing with a small insect. Anyways, we have the hives constructed, Quan and I did (for now) 1 bottom box (for the bee's and the queen to live in) and 1 small honey box on top (where the bee's can store there summer stores of honey). As the season progress's, we will add another box on top and continue to do so as the bee's fill each up with honey. One of the most important things to always remember, is that the bottom box, where the queen and the bee's will live all year long, is that you never harvest honey from that one. All the honey that is stored in the bottom is surplus, what the bee's will live on during droughts of pollen and nectar, and through out winter time. More pictures of the actual hive's completed and in use...

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